Kill it with fire(10pts) - Burn someone to a crisp - Kill someone with a flamethrowerħ. Anger Managment(10pts) - Make 5 KO's with rage attacks in one match - Start a death match with one player against you on low difficulity and with many lives. Recycler(10pts) - Kill someone with a dropped weapon - Drop your weapon with D, pick it up, then shoot your enemy.ĥ. Shopper(5pts) - Collect 20 crates in one match - just runaround like hell to awoid enemies and pick up all crates you can seeĤ. Zero Gravity(5pts) - Go offscreen and recover - Jump off the screen as far as possible and then use the teleport gunģ. Kapow(5pts) - Hit someone with a full-powered wind-up punch - Tap, release, then hold Z to charge up. I was looking around for a Chaos Faction 2 walkthrough on google and I didn't find one so I put this up.